Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Silent Auction Preview

Hold onto your seats and find your wallets....
Are you ready for a preview of some of the auction items planning on making an appearance on Friday!
Hand Painted Table Runner - Local Artist

Package with 3 Hyperbaric Treatments
from Utah Sports & Wellness
and the softest blanket you could cuddle!

Amazing Framed Drawing - Local Artist
Local, handmade tote, journal and scarf

Alchemy Coffee

Hand Painted Hand Towel - Local

Large Original Painting on Wood - Local Artist

Small (under 12"x12") Original on Wood

Granatos Gift Basket
3D Shadow box - Local Artist

Original Art on Wood - Local Artist
Original Caligraphy - Maya Angelou
Beautiful Necklaces from Africa
This photo does not do them justice!

Handmade purse from Africa
Better bid on this quickly....there's already a line growing!

Gift Certificate to Peach Treats (Local Artist)

Fake Gauged Earings - Local Artist Peach Treats

Class Pass to Fitness on 7th With Thermos & Gym Towels

Class Pass to Fitness on 7th with Scale

Shea Butter Lotion with Gift Certificate to Scentsations Lotions & Oils
And that's just a preview! We have more art, Yoga Passes, Massages, Tax Services, Photography Sessions, Therapy Services even a SNOWBOARD to auction off to the highest donor!

The best news....there is an amazing charity that will benefit and grow exponentially from your generosity.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Sign up to help!

We have made this whole event possible with pure volunteer labor and support.

Now its time to ask you for your help!

We need people to sign up for time slots to come help the reception be a success.

You can sign up for:
Set up duty
Check in desk
Silent Auction Help
Clean up help

Sign up at this link:

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


I think about all the things that we, as women, do before a first date. Not the primping and gussying up, but instead the things we do for our safety. The things that have become second nature. We hardly even think that it might not be normal. We ruin the mystery of "prince charming" with a full google history, a check for arrest warrants, maybe even a background check. We set up a time to check in with a friend. Even have a time for that friend to call to make sure we are safe and help get us out of any bad or uncomfortable situations.

We pack our mace next to our lipstick. Make sure we meet at an anonymous location. Don't give out specifics like where we work, our last name, and especially where we live. This isn't paranoia, this is safety. I've heard this called offensive by men who believe they are the "good guys". I've also heard the victim blamed when she didn't have these safety guards in place and that good guy became violent.

Currently there is a bill before the Utah State legislature to provide equal protection from violent abusers under the law. This bill is backed by many, including the Sandy City Police Dept, YWCA and Rep. Jen Seelig. Currently you are only entitled to a protective order if you are married, living with or have a child with some who attacks you: if you are dating someone who turns vicious, you stand alone.

We seek to change that.

Here are some media links you might want to look at about today's triumph of getting this bill one step closer to action:


Then, you should sign the petition supporting this bill here:

Friday, February 1, 2013

Why I Rise - Part 33

"I experienced violence from my mom until I was 21. I saw my step-dad and my mom fighting, where she will end up in the hospital. I intervened every single time to separate them. I took the baby many times, my half-brother from those scenes, so he wouldn't experience seeing domestic violence. Because of my own experiences, I rise with a One Billion Rising because I am a peacemaker and there is something more powerful than a fits, a kiss, a hug a good friend.."

Sonia Quiroga Thomas

Olanova, is a refashion support for women. Ola means wave in Spanish and for
us movement, making big waves, and nova in Latin means "new" but also is the
brighest and the one that contains the most energy in the universe, creating
super-novas. For us, in other words, is a new fashion movement that supports
women with their business. We have a beautiful Olanova Recycling Pencil
Skirt, Olanova T-shirt Local Made and the refashion pieces. For every
clothes that we sell, Olanova gives the money to womenpreneur in need. If
you donate your clothes to us, we will refashion it and make it from it
something beautiful, something new. Olanova, gives you the opportunty to
feel good on our clothes and do good a the same time by helping another
women in need.

Why I Rise - 32

You asked why I rise?  I rise because I've worked in mental health in the field of treating sexual violence for almost 20 years now, and I've seen the havoc and devastation it's wreaked....on both sides.  I've gotten to see girls and women shattered by perhaps the ultimate invasion and betrayal, especially as most such violence comes from people they knew.  I know of depression, anxiety, flashbacks, substance abuse and suicide that followed after those kinds of abuses.  I also have seen men wrecked by the realization of what they had done.  Too many didn't understand just what they were doing before it was done.  It doesn't excuse the actions they took. It doesn't absolve the responsibility.  It does, however, beg the question where those ideas were spawned and learned.  Far too often, it came from others who promulgated that such violence is, in whatever twisted way, acceptable, the way things "should" be, the way they ARE.  For everyone's sake, that has to change.  It has to end.  Violence has never been a long-term antidote for violence.  It takes courage, conviction, compassion, dedication and faith.  So, to represent all those things, I choose to rise....I choose to STAND.
 - Anonymous
Salt Lake City, Utah