Monday, January 21, 2013

Why I Rise - Part 28

Lee Madrid rises, he makes a strong statement as he shares " Why he rises....."

"I am rising to combat the patriarchal society that has crept into our minds. I am rising for the young women I grew up with having daughters and sons of their own. I am rising for Salt Lake City, a desperate city filled with willful ignorance. I am rising for my mother, my younger sister, and for the future mother of my children. I am rising because fracking and oil drilling continues to rape our Mother Earth. I am rising because the rise of the Divine Feminine is inevitable and I am grateful to contribute. I am rising because I have a voice. "


  1. Yo sobre salgo para apoyar a las mujeres y niños en contra de la violencia domestica, yo trabajo para la comunidad para dar a conocer las diferentes maneras en las que se sufre violencia como por ejemplo.La violencia intrafamiliar se puede clasificar en cuatro categorías: Violencia hacia la mujer y al interior de la pareja, Maltrato infantil, Violencia hacia el adulto mayor, Violencia hacia los discapacitados. Y pude adoptar las siguientes formas: Violencia física, Violencia psicológica, Abandono, Abuso sexual, Abuso económico. Por eso es bueno estar al tanto eh informarnos y luchar para que esto deje de ser ven y apoya a una buena causa di NO A LA VIOLENCIA DOMESTICA.

  2. I Laura Amezcua rise to support women and children against domestic violence, I work for the community to help edúcate awareness of the different ways in which for example. Domestic Violence can be classified into four categories: Violence against women and within the couple, child abuse, violence against the elderly, violence towards disabled. And it could take the following forms: physical violence, psychological violence, neglect, sexual abuse, economic abuse. So it is good to be aware and inform our community so come and support this good cause. SAY NO TO DOMESTIC VIOLENCE.


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