am rising because when one billion women rise and dance, healing around
and within the world begins. This healing is long overdue. This dance
comes at the right time. I am rising because when a member of my
community says that something is hurting them and needs a collective
voice to be heard to stop it, I can only live with integrity by saying,
“I’ll be there”. Two years ago I made a commitment to a mentor named
bell hooks to decolonize my mind from white supremacy, patriarchy and
capitalist thinking. The only way I know how is to be accountable to
oppressed communities and not stand idly by as a witness. Slow violence
that is emotionally abusive and fast violence that is aggressive are
both equally destructive. Our community will be stronger by rising and
dancing together and a whole and healing world will rise with us.
am a 35 year old, climber, skier and retired high school science
teacher. I have re-emerged as a carpenter, bus driver and community
organizer. My heart and soul are rooted in the inter-mountain west
bio-region but like most people living in the United States my relatives
are immigrants. I grew up in Denver, Colorado with parents from New
York and Wisconsin. Their relatives immigrated to the U.S. from Holland,
Ireland and France. I work to address climate change from a social
justice perspective and I listen to youth wisdom sometimes before
listening to adults. Organizing with various climate justice campaigns I
am excited about inter-generational mentoring and learning that seems
to develop strong relationships in the Salt Lake community. I believe
that power is not a thing, it is a relationship.
ryan pleune
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