Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Why I Rise - Part 14

Jai Santos rises up with One Billion Rising-SLC
He shares "Why he is rising..."

"I am a capoerista and a pro cage fighter. Within this people think that cage fighting is really violent. Not for us, because within cage fighting we have a time limit, we have rules, we have classes so we fight man to man in a fair fight. We have a referee who protects us from any illegal move or threat. We are lucky for that.

But what about domestic violence or sexual violence against women? Is there rules? Is there a referee? Is there a time limit? Are they fighting a fair fight?

I am rising against domestic violence and any other kind of abuse in this world, people who abuse are cowards! I am rising because because REAL MEN DON"T RAPE, real men fight as allies with women and girls against the violence if he has to, he dies for them if he has to, and he treats them like queens in all aspects especially as the makers of home life and family."

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